Andrea Ruocco (Italia): Premio Concurso Internacional Permanente De La Creatividad Al Piano

Enhorabuena por su creatividad al piano!

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Qual è la prima esperienza che ricordi con la musica?

This is one of the first experiences related with music that I remember. My dad and me are laying down on the bed, he is playing the guitar for me. I was around two or three years. I remember clearly one of the songs that he used to play. I used to call it the “hispanic one”. Later I discovered it composed by three simple chords: E, F and G, with a flamenco taste. 

I remember that sometimes I used to play the rhythmic of this song while my dad was just changing the chords with his left hand.

Quale personalità musicale pensi abbia influenzato maggiormente la tua carriera? Qual era lo stile o il compositore che ti piaceva di più studiare quando eri giovane? In quale repertorio ti senti più a tuo agio oggi?

I think I was influenced a lot by my dad who used to listen to a lot of very good music like: Rock, Jazz and Funky. My dad used to play trombone when he was young. My grandfather used to play guitar and taught me the first chords I learned. 

When I was younger I used to listen a lot to the music of Claude Debussy and Charles Mingus. Recently I listened a lot to J.S.Bach, Duke Ellington, Thelonious Monk. 

In this moment I’m researching in improvisation through meditations about creativity. I feel very comfortable in all musical genres that used improvisation as a way of expression.

Raccontaci, per favore, qualsiasi esperienza o aneddoto che ti viene in mente che abbia a che fare con il pianoforte (in un corso, o in un concerto ...)

I remember that when I was a children I used to visit my grandmother. She has an old and untuned piano but it didn’t matter for me. 

I used to go in this piano room playing and listening to the sound it was producing. 

I remember that I liked very much the sound of the lowest strings which suggested me the voice of some big animals. I wasn’t scared, I just was curious and wanted to become familiar with them.

Cosa ne pensi della situazione attuale dell'insegnamento del pianoforte e della musica? Pensi che sia utile conoscere le risorse sull'improvvisazione? Perché? In che misura pensi che la creatività sia necessaria per il pianista? Che consiglio o consiglio daresti a coloro che stanno cominciando a studiare il pianoforte? Vorresti aggiungere qualcosa in più sul tuo rapporto con la musica? Maggiori informazioni (siti web e social network):

I started playing music by ear and later started to develop “my personal” approach to improvisation without knowing any theory, just using my ears, my memory and my taste. 

Later I attended some courses, took some private lessons and attended Conservatory. I studied classical music with double bass and jazz music with electric bass and double bass. I always performed a lot of different styles of music with different bands in many concerts, around Italy and around Europe. 

I think that learning music requires also a lot of relations with other people. I think that the process of playing music, composing, improvising can be learned and by doing it. Moreover if we share our passion we can find new friends and musicians to play with who can be an influence for us. 

I think that creativity is an attitude that can help us in any aspect of life. It gives us flexibility and a positive response to life. I would say to all the pianist who are starting to play this beautiful instrument to always look for the music they like and the most important thing to be always curious.

If you are curious too and want to listen more music that I compose, perform and record, please, check out my channel on youtube:

best regards, 

Andrea Ruocco - Musicista, didatta e compositore.


Mi foto
Profesor pianista experto en improvisación multi-estilos (modernos, clásicos y populares) y música española. Musicógrafo. Distinguido en Global Music Awards (EEUU). 1er Premio Concurso Piano Maestro Serrano (Palau de la Música, Valencia). Especializado en Falla. Estrena Improvisaciones Albéniz y Granados (Boileau). Revistas: Música y Educación, Allegro, Ad Libitum, Polifonía, ArtsEduca. Coautor: 29 Maneras concebir silencio (Univ. Jaume I), Canto Natural (Bromera). Coord: Los poetas ante la música (Bubok). Autor: Piano Creativo -2 volúmenes- (Rivera), Piano Español (Lulú), Homenaje a Tomás Bretón (Boileau), Aprende a Improvisar al Piano (Redbook)

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