Dimitris Keramidakis (Grecia): Premio Concurso Internacional Permanente 'De la Creatividad al Piano'

Enhorabuena por su creatividad al piano!

El próximo día uno de mes impar el siguiente premiad@! Si quieres participar consulta las bases.

What is the first experience you remember with music?
my father was musician and first experience was when i touch a synthesizer as a child 

What musical personality do you think most influenced your career?    
chopin and chick corea 

What was the style or composer you liked study when you were young?


What repertoire are more comfortable today for you?
classical and jazz 

 Tell us, please, any anecdote with the piano (in a course, or concert ...)  
do you know who is musician best friend? 
..the percussionist 
do you know who is percussionist best friend?  
jhonie walker 

:) What do you think of the current situation of teaching piano and music?
a teacher always re learn throu the lesson ...

but you can teach only somebody that want to learn 

What are your favorite musicians?
- arthur rubinstein 
- chick corea 
- michel petrucciani 
- keith jarret 

How much important is for you developing creativity in a pianist?
the most important thing couse like life in music you have to be flexible 

What musical projects do you have in mind?
I am in the midlle of  producing my 4 th album 

More info: (webs and/or social media)
Mi foto
Profesor pianista experto en improvisación multi-estilos (modernos, clásicos y populares) y música española. Musicógrafo. Distinguido en Global Music Awards (EEUU). 1er Premio Concurso Piano Maestro Serrano (Palau de la Música, Valencia). Especializado en Falla. Estrena Improvisaciones Albéniz y Granados (Boileau). Revistas: Música y Educación, Allegro, Ad Libitum, Polifonía, ArtsEduca. Coautor: 29 Maneras concebir silencio (Univ. Jaume I), Canto Natural (Bromera). Coord: Los poetas ante la música (Bubok). Autor: Piano Creativo -2 volúmenes- (Rivera), Piano Español (Lulú), Homenaje a Tomás Bretón (Boileau), Aprende a Improvisar al Piano (Redbook)

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